During the Meritorious Lithuanian Medics Awards organised by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania (SAM) in 2023 The Honorary Medal "Distinguished Lithuanian Doctor" was awarded to VILTARA DŪDIENEI, a family doctor at the paediatric department of the Public Institution Kėdainiai PSPC.
Viltara Dūdienė, a family doctor at the paediatric department of the Kėdainiai PSPC, has 27 years of professional experience. Having grown up in Kėdainiai district and graduated from school here, the doctor returned to work in her home country. In 1996, she graduated from Kaunas Medical Academy and qualified as a doctor. She continued her studies at the Family Medicine Residency and successfully graduated in 2002.In 1996, she started working at the children's outpatient clinic of the then Kėdainiai Central Hospital. After the reorganisation of health care institutions in 1997, he continued to work in the paediatric department of the General Hospital of Kėdainiai PSPC BPG. For several years Viltara worked as a family doctor in the outpatient clinic of VšĮ Šėta.
In 2006, she graduated from Kaunas Technical University with a Master's degree in Public Administration. From the very beginning of her professional career, Viltara has earned the respect and trust of her patients.From 2000 to 2008, she founded and managed the healthy eating school "Snaputis", in which the parents of young patients participated quite actively.
Viltara Dūdienė is a highly qualified doctor, constantly seeking knowledge, actively interested in innovations and successfully applying them in her daily work. She shares her acquired knowledge and work experience with her fellow residents. She actively participated in the development and implementation of the Patient Service Standard of the Public Institution Kėdainiai PSPC.
In 2019-2022, he was the head of the internal medical audit team at the Kėdainiai PSPC. During this period, the institution was accredited for family medicine service. Following the structural changes, Dr Viltara continues to work in the internal medical audit team of VšĮ Kėdainiai PSPC as an expert physician. Doctor Viltara is actively involved in educational activities. She regularly gives presentations and participates in discussions at district educational institutions and the Kėdainiai District Maternity School, prepares articles for the district press and information for the institution's website.
She is a member of the Kėdainiai branch of the Lithuanian Medical Association. For many years, Viltara has been the host of the events dedicated to the Medical Workers' Day in Kėdainiai district, as she is an excellent reader.
Respect, care, exceptional attention to each patient, prompt and professional solution of their problems, sincere and warm communication - these are the qualities that have earned her the trust and respect of her colleagues and patients. Viltara Dūdienė has been repeatedly awarded with letters of appreciation from the Director of the Public Institution Kėdainiai PSPC.